What is happiness and how do we get it?

Inspired by International Day of Happiness* coming up later this month, I’ve been spending some time dwelling on what we can do on an individual level to boost our own happiness, and maybe in doing so, that of those around us too.

What gives each of us pleasure or joy is not universal. We all have activities which bring a sense of wellbeing, and these are intrinsically personal to us. While some of us find ourselves enthused and inspired by live music, for example, others cherish the silence of meditation. And some people may appreciate both of these things, just enjoyed at different times. But what is universally true is that being conscious of certain aspects of our lifestyles, and taking particular steps to prioritise those, will greatly increase our chances of feeling happy.

Yet knowing what these are and doing something about them can often prove to be two different things! So let’s spend some time really thinking about what we can do proactively to support our own happiness. I have chosen three focus areas, but these are just some examples to help you get started.

1. Being part of something bigger:

We often feel the need to caveat any expressions of dissatisfaction with our own lives by acknowledging how much worse other people have it. Having that perspective can help us feel contentment by appreciating our own good fortune and giving us a more positive mindset . But we could take these thoughts a bit further by looking at ways in which we might make our own contributions, however small, to our wider community or society. Might we volunteer locally, for a scout group or food bank for example? And playing a part in giving others happiness, we will surely build on our own. In fact the research tells us that this is the case. So what are we waiting for?

2. Celebrate!:

Big birthday coming up? Mark it! Insignificant birthday? Mark it anyway! There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by seizing the opportunity for a celebration. We can sometimes feel reluctant to make a fuss but no one ever regrets a happy gathering with their closest friends and/or family, whatever the occasion. I look forward to getting my invitation soon…!

3. Physical wellbeing:

Last but not least, this is something we all know is important but often fail to focus on.  And here I’m going to reiterate the big priorities which you know already, but I’m guessing almost certainly aren’t yet giving enough of your time - Food, Exercise, Sleep. Or put differently – Nutrition, Movement, Recovery. Kindness brings contentment but we have to be kind to ourselves first. So, lets really do something about that, starting from today. Review that online supermarket shopping basket with a more deliberate and conscious eye; commit to a daily slot where you can give your body the attention it needs to thrive (try a Pilates exercise or two on the video club!); Revise that target bedtime so you’re getting the extra half hour of rest you need at night to boost your happiness in the day.

As Joseph Pilates himself said in his book Return to Life Through Contrology, ‘’Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Our interpretation of physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure.’’

I look forward to hearing what steps you’re taking, and to seeing your joyful faces and happy bodies soon!

* https://happinessday.org/



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