Spring into action with these 5 simple stress-busters

April is Stress Awareness month held every April since 1992 to raise awareness of the causes and cures for our modern-day stress epidemic. And it's as relevant now as it was 30+ years ago.

I'm sure we've all felt the negative effects of stress at some point in our lives, perhaps you're even going through a stressful period right now. But beyond recognising stress, how can we help combat it? I exercise (Pilates of course) and practice nasal breathing techniques to help calm my nervous system and improve my mood.

We don't always need to resort to medication to alleviate stress or the blues, sometimes just remembering to make some simple lifestyle adjustments can be just the dose you need!

Here are 5 simple stress-buster strategies to help you take action to support your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

And in case you missed my article on 'What is happiness and how do we get it?' - you might find it helpful to read (or re-read) this for further wellbeing tips.

1. Go for a brisk walk everyday

A recent article in the Guardian offers the slightly doom-leaden title ‘Walking just 11 minutes a day could stop 10% of early deaths, researchers find’?

But what if we spin that around to something more positive, and action-oriented? Something that gives us an immediate mood lift rather than warning us how to stave off death. So here are 11 tips and reasons (and sorry, another list) for incorporating an 11-minute brisk walk into your daily routine:

·        Catch the sunlight first thing in the morning to increase your serotonin levels

·        Improve how you sleep at night by exposing yourself to bright light early in the day

·        Improve blood sugar control and digestion by going for a walk straight after a meal

·        Invite your partner or friend along for a ‘mini date’

·        Tech-free connection time with your kids and get them moving more

·        Reset after a long work meeting

·        Use your walk as a form of meditation and only think about your steps and your breath

·        Slow down and notice nature around you

·        Bump into your neighbours and get to know them better

·        Listen to a podcast and learn something

·        Challenge yourself to leave your tech behind

2. Spring clean

Not everyone’s favourite task but there are many benefits associated with spring cleaning. Perhaps here are some that might persuade you to grab your vacuum cleaner and some bin bags:

·        Research correlates clutter with stress anxiety. A good spring clean can have a positive impact on your mental health.

·        Studies show that people are more stressed, distracted, and less productive in disorganised spaces. A good spring clean gives people a sense of mastery and control over their environment.

·        Many of us hold onto items of clothing or ‘stuff’ we don’t need or use anymore for far too long. So get decluttering, and take the opportunity to load up those bin bags and head off to a charity shop. Plus giving makes you feel good.

3. Grow something lovely

Gardening, being in nature and indoor plants are all associated with making you feel physically better and less stressed. Studies show that plants really can improve our wellbeing, leading to a boost in mood, memory and productivity.

Try growing something, whether it’s indoors or outdoors…maybe a herb garden…and enjoy the mood-boosting effects of watching something grow.

4. Let yourself rest

We’re so busy at being busy, we’re constantly connected and switched on and find ourselves all too often in ‘fight or flight’ mode. And this can make it even harder to down-regulate and ‘switch off’.

So get into the habit of giving your brain some downtime and take regular short breaks (maybe use your 11-minute walk here!). This can help significantly reduce the stress hormone cortisol, and help to restore your focus, refill your resources and boost your mood.

5. Breathe to de-stress

Have you ever noticed when you’re stressed that you hold your breath or breathe through your mouth instead of your nose? This creates even more stress in the body.

If you stop and breathe and try a simple technique where you inhale for a count of 4 (through your nose) and out for a count of 6, you’ll reset your nervous system and bring your stress levels right down.

Are you ready to spring into action?

I hope these 5 simple stress-relieving strategies are as helpful to you as they are to me. And whilst you’re at it, schedule in an extra Pilates class each week, or fit in some self-practice movement to enhance your happiness levels even more!


What is pain and should we move through it?


What is happiness and how do we get it?